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Unique Activities

Arusha city, declared as ‘A Geneva of Africa’ by former US president Honorarious Mr. Bill Clinton, is situated in northern Tanzania. This city is located on the slopes of Mount Meru making the region experience the comfortable weather all the year round. All northern circuit safari tour to national parks pass in Arusha city making the region to accommodate more influx of visitors all the time. The city hosts major international diplomatic organs such as East African Community, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and other International social organizations including Compassion International, World Vision, and local non-governmental organizations including Love For All People Tanzania,

Arusha Town Tour

Your tour of Arusha city will involve the visit to different important places for pleasure, learning and shopping. These include Arusha museum, Uhuru monument, Arusha City bus terminal, Central market and Maasai market.

Cultural Activities and cultural museum

Culture Heritage Arusha Center has acquired iconic status due to the unique structure of the buildings within its compound and having the treasure chest of African art which is keeping African Art alive. The main building is designed to resemble the Uhuru Peak of Kilimanjaro. It also has an impressive array of arts and crafts including unique masks, Verdite carvings and paintings by famous African sculptures. Cultural Heritage Arusha now boasts an impressible Art Gallery was build on his vision which was to promote the work of the local artists.

Arusha Waterfalls

Depending on the chosen route and physical condition, the ascent to the waterfall valley takes about 3 to 4 hours.